Kilimanjaro - 2005
I taught for a year at Kilacha Farmers Training Centre near Moshi in Tanzania (1976) I and some students were designing and fabricating tools for agriculture. One of my dearest friends is Maleaki Mmbando and his wife Audrey. I get back to Mwika as often as possible and stay with them up on the mountain. Kilimanjaro at this altitude is a climate like late spring in Virginia (year-round) You have gentle rain and bananas and coffee outside your door and plentiful water coming down the mountain from glacier melt. If you want cold you go up the mountain; if you want hot, you do down. Last year my elderly father and I paid them a visit and were hosted with great joy. Here is the Mmbando family with my father and I. Maleaki operates a metal shop near the banana market in Mwika. I try to assist with equipment I carry over as baggage on the plane.
Buhemba sounds home for me
i was born in Musoma 1941 and was there untill 6th March 1972.My dad owned the Musoma Emporium(Tanganyika) Limited right in the centre of Musoma on corner of Mukendo Street-u must have visited the shop which was opposite to Chopra Stores (selling Provisions especially tin ones)
I read u were there in 1970 so u must have been in Musoma too. Infact near Buhemba(sounds home as my very very good friend Late Oswald Marwa was buried there in a small village nearby-if I am not mistaken Oswald was the best close friend/relative of our beloved LateMwalimu Julius Nyerer too) it was we who were given a contract to make level few undred acres of forests and shrubs at Rwamkoma on the left just after one leaves the left detour for Buhemba village and also the famous Gold Mine- in fact in Buhemba village one old Mr Patel also owned a village shop the only one and i believe he was there for at least 20 years?From his villagwe we travelled to Majimoto the famous Sulphur Springs and also to Simbasorori gold mine owned then by on Mr Sunderji an Indian? Yes back to Rwamkoma -after we cleared the area the ground was used for Rwamkoma Ujamaa Village on the way to Ikizu just oppoisite to Ikizu School on the right.
Anyhow if time permits do contact me now i am in UK May be we can exchange few memories too.
Jashwant Rao
Hello Jashwant! I remember the Emporium in Musoma! We went there by pikipiki from Buhemba through "Fosta's" which was really Buhemba Farmer's Training Center, run by Ian Foster. I remember Rwamkoma not too far from Tarani Kijiji. Chief Wenzage (Mwalimu's brother) used to come over to Tarani and buy eggs (for his 40 children I guess)! All those places you mentioned are known to me and loved. I was twenty years old and those experiences shaped my life from then on. I get back to TZ every chance I get and go out to Buhemba to visit my old friends- many are gone but it is still "home" to me. Send me your e-mail and I'll be in touch -
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